by Jacquese Armstrong
man she swings
and all i get is
medicated straight-laced vibes
that set the days in order
Sundays through
but she swings man
and the words
reverberate honeyed
silk soft to the touch
and the heavens pour
out blessings
when she rhymes
she swings intellect
she swings time
makes it inconsequential
she swings humanity
a syllable at a time
she swings
word music
word music
word music
she swings
quite naturally
so could she ever teach us
to be
to be
to be
to be…
what ears hear
and words can’t describe.
yeah man
she swings.
Photo by Leigh Vogel/Getty Images
Jacquese Armstrong is a poet/writer/inspirational speaker residing in Central New Jersey. Her work has appeared previously in For Harriet Soar, in addition to Black Magnolias Literary Journal, BLACKBERRY: a magazine and Linden Avenue Literary Journal among others.