by Angelica King
Some question why I hold my head so high
Why I posses such a dominant stride
They wonder is it my essence
That locks their eyes
Or the confidence I carry as I pass them by
Some whisper She ain't got curves
So why does she walk with such pride
I look at them and smile
Cuz its more than my size
The answer they do not see
Yet it is right in front of their eye
I have another kind of power to me
My poise that magnetize brothers
Is not rooted in my femininity
It is more that causes me to own the room
To speak with a voice of graceful certainty
And walk in strength and honor
Still their eyes fail to see
What it is that gives me divinity
That causes me to step as if the world is mine
And to have such tenacity
They itch to know what my secret is
I have no secret it is as bold as can be
I utter,
Black is the magic of me
For Black I am proud to be
It's in the enchanting coils of my hair
The fullness of my lips
It is why I have a hex
That is embedded in my switch
I carry this Black elegantly
Why would I not uphold this gift
After I tell them my answer
They are reluctant to believe it
I assure them
There is no secret I have no hidden myth
I repeat,
Black is the magic of me
For Black I am proud to be
This world tries to tell me not to love this skin
Not knowing this love can't be drowned
Endearment for this blackness is unbreakable
Now you see why I walk so proud
Why I keep my shoulders back
And my confidence loud
You see how I glow when I'm not in the sun
What makes my essence so profound
That's why I embody such strength
Why walk as if I'm wearing a crown
I shout,
Black is the magic of me
For Black I am proud to be
Photo: iStockPhoto
Angelica King is a 20 year old poet, interviewer, and filmmaker.