by Jacquese Armstrong
my sister
you are significant
you are the torchbearer
that keeps the world
from darkness…
…because it is the Light
in our souls
that keeps the world from
complete darkness
hold onto that Light
feed it oxygen
make the flame grow higher
write ourselves
into existence
and we
create the screenplays
that will play out
and the next day
and the next day
we have that power
and that power cultivates change
as sure as a certain seed cultivated
will grow blossoms
the negative forces
camp around us
they push they prod
cynicism is the child
of ego-centricity and
don’t play with him
(hold on a change is coming)
i can’t afford extravagance
i would rather see the Sun
(hold on we make the change)
we think / we say / we act
and in a synergistic way
that becomes reality
we write ourselves into existence…
in a thousand tomorrows
and the next day
all orchestrated
by the soul full music
of pen strokes and imaginings
are significant
descendants of the Highest
evolution of the Universe
is in our hands
when we write ourselves into existence
my sister
you are significant
when you are positive
you are the torchbearer
that keeps the world
from darkness…
Photo: Shutterstock
Jacquese Armstrong is a poet/writer/speaker residing in Central New Jersey. Her work has been published in Black Magnolias Literary Journal, Linden Avenue Literary Journal, BLACKBERRY: a magazine and