by Jasmyne K. Rogers
Summer 1932
Monroe County, Alabama
Mama met Papa in the middle of a slow dance. Her short, slender fingers barely touched the back of a young man who confidently gripped her hips as she nervously moved them to a ditty by a local group named The Snapjacks. A single light bulb hanging from a loose ply board in the ceiling flickered—not to set the mood, simply because the wiring in the small, wooden building was rigged. That was of no concern to the people who decorated the creaking floors from wall to wall. There was only enough room to dance—two bodies meshed into one.
A singular person could not exist in the small room. Any singular person who tried to line the walls would be bumped into, stepped on, and snared at by the bodies who became one under the music. Rose Thomas had no choice but to share the crowded floor with the young man if she wanted to return to her aunt’s home in one piece. Pearl Jackson, a fast-talking, always switching, smile-as-wide-as-the-Alabama-river, yet as hard-boiled-as-they-come-type-of-woman served hooch at the makeshift bar next to the old speakeasy piano that Joe (pianist for The Snapjacks) played with intense passion. She was the owner of the small juke joint that rested off a back road in Monroe County.
The isolated wooden building was adjacent to a trench that served as three spaces: where women tripped and fell into when they were not sure of their strapped heels as they walked unsteadily on the loose gravel in the woods engulfed by stark darkness, drunken bodies that found rest after Pearl shut down the place for the night, and where those same drunken bodies, usually the men, relieved themselves since Pearl’s Place lacked an outhouse. Rose had been warned several times to watch out for the trench as she walked the mile down the dark dirt road with her first cousin on her Mama’s side, Jodi Ann.
“Jodi Ann, what’cha got me coming all the way back here for? We could’ve sat on the porch and that would’ve been quite alright,” Rose said as she concentrated on missing the large rocks that scattered the red dirt road.
“You’ll have a fine time, Rose. Trust me.”
Jodi Ann walked the red dirt road with ease. She knew the one-mile path that led to Pearl’s Place like she knew the back of her hands. She frequented the place with heightened excitement every other Friday night. She was especially happy to go tonight since her cousin was in town for the summer. She was sure that once Rose loosened up, she would have a grand ole time.
“We’re nearing the trench I warned you about. There it is, over yonder,” Jodi Ann pointed out into the night. The only thing that Rose saw was darkness and a small building that were surrounded by people. She heard foolish laughter, loud talking, off-key singing all wrapped up into a delighted expression of freedom.
“Rose!” Jodi Ann grabbed her wrist. A minute too late, Rose would’ve fell into the trench. The people who stood about the juke joint would’ve directed their laughing and loud talking towards her if she fell into the trench.
“Thanks cousin.”
Jodi Ann chuckled as the two gals walked arm in arm up the four tattered wooden steps that led to Pearl’s Place.
The music was inviting. It gave the young menfolk the courage to ask the young gals for their hand in a slow dance. It made the young womenfolk feel awfully pretty as they took the hand of the brave young menfolk who allowed the music to direct their moves.
It made Rose Thomas feel the complete opposite. When the young man asked her to dance, she rapidly shook her head yes. She shook her head yes because she felt lonely in the space along the wall as people danced, barely missing her feet as their bodies melted into one. She shook her head because she wanted to experience the oneness the music created. She shook her head yes because she wanted to belong.
As she barely touched the young man who breathed heavily in her ear, she felt even more out of place. She scanned the room and saw her cousin grinning as she caressed the back of her partner. Jodi Ann’s dance partner, rather bold, hungrily clutched her blue, rayon mini skirt. Rose sighed and shook her head as she witnessed her first cousin beaming from the seductive attention. After a deep sigh, Rose attempted to relax and the young man sensed her nervousness.
“Something’s the matter?” He asked, his words spraying out like bullets. He was a fast talker.
“Nothing. Nothing at all.”
The man clutched her hips and Rose shoulders tensed up. She would be so relieved when The Snapjacks wrapped up their session and prayed the man would not ask her to dance a second go-round.
Miss lady, why you so down?
Is it because your man gets around?
I can make it better. I can make you alright.
I know what you’re sayin’
and you haven’t even made a sound.
Rose noticed his pearly white teeth first. He walked into the packed juke joint as cool as a Gulf Shores breeze. He gave Pearl a bear hug, as she laughed at him in good humor. “Good to see ya, Jean. We sho’ missed ya.”
Rose read Pearl’s mouth as she filled a shot glass with liquor darker than the night that engulfed them. The young man thanked her and scanned the room. He slowly bobbed his head as he exchanged a couple pleasantries with the people who merged into one under the music.
Rose had forgotten all about her dance partner who squeezed her hips so tightly that they were now numb. She unknowingly bit her lips as she looked at the nicely groomed and handsome man.
He made his way around the packed room freely. Rose’s heart began to beat faster and slower simultaneously as their eyes met. The sternness in his eyes soften as they met the smiling eyes of the young gal who shared an uncomfortable dance with a local fellow. His first impulse was to save her. Nothing else in that moment mattered.
“May I intrude?” Jean asked as he approached the awkward couple. It was more of a demand than a question. The young man who hungrily held on to Rose’s hips defensively turned around until he noticed it was Jean Calloway.
“What’s up man? Yeah, be my guest.” The young man slithered out of the way as Jean stood in front of Rose.
“Do you mind if I danced with you instead?”
Rose searched his eyes and smiled.
“Not at all.”
Jean returned the smile and they engaged in a slow dance just as The Snapjacks started another number.
Girl of my dreams
God sent you here especially for me
The light in your eyes makes me realize
that you are the girl of my dreams
Truly, my dear.
Jean gently caressed Rose’s hips as they swayed to the tune. “What’s your name?” Jean whispered in her ear. Such a sweet whisper.
“Rose. Rose Thomas.”
“You’re a great dancer, Rose Thomas.”
“You’re not bad yourself—?”
“Jean. Jean Calloway.”
For the first time that night, Rose attentively listened to the raspy, yet soulful vocals of the lead singer, Bo Brooks. His voice resonated throughout the room in the absence of a microphone. It gave Rose the quivers. Jean chuckled as he watched Rose enjoy the music.
“First time listening to soul music?”
“First time listening to it in a juke joint.”
“You’ll have to come more often then, Miss Rose. Get used to it.”
Rose nodded. Bo Brooks continued to sing about the girl of his dreams and Rose melted in the moments that lingered in the dimly lit juke joint. Pearl Jackson had left her post behind the makeshift bar and joined the coupled bodies that were dancing to The Snapjacks’ soulful tunes.
Rose had closed her eyes. Her arms were draped freely over Jean’s broad shoulders. The music guided her. Taught her things about her own body that she did not know. Her hips slowly gyrated and her lips were slightly pursed. She was extremely focused. Focused on the moment. She wanted to remember everything. The way Jean’s hips gently clutched the top of her hips. The way the crowd meshed into one under the soulful music that filled the small place. The way she felt as she took it all in. She felt like she belonged.
“Rose,” Jodi Ann snapped her fingers to get Rose’s attention.
“What?” She opened her eyes. Fairly disappointed that her cousin interrupted her moment.
“Let’s go!” Jodi Ann’s face was flushed red and her bottom lip trembled. She was damned mad.
Rose and Jean let go simultaneously from their tight embrace.
She offered him a genuine smile that was favorably returned.
As she followed behind her cousin who was storming out of the place, Jean’s words melted in her ear.
“Thanks for the dance.”
“What’s wrong with you, gal?” Rose asked once she had caught up with Jodi Ann outside of the juke joint.
Jodi Ann just shook her head like a madwoman.
“Someone bumping their gums?”
“It’s nothing to fry your fish about.”
“Gotta be. You walked out the place like a crazy woman.”
Rose paused a second. Then grabbed Jodi Ann by her arm.